Bal-Love 2025:
WEEK 1 3. - 8.8.2025 (Sun to Fri)
WEEKEND 8. - 10.8.2025 (Fri to Sun)
WEEK 2 11. - 16.8.2025 (Mon to Sat)
Applications for BL WEEKs are now open.
We will accept applications until February 26th (CET).
Registration for BL WKND to be open in April.
Besides Bal-Love WEEKS and WEEKEND we also plan
Slow Bal edition for you:
SLOW Bal-Love 2025:
WEEK 12. - 17.10.2025 (Sun to Fri)
WEEKEND 17. - 19.10.2025 (Fri to Sun)
Applications for Slow BL WEEKs to be open in February.
Registration for Slow BL WKND to be open in June.
For more info click:
We cant wait to see everyone on the dance floor again!
Your Bal-Love Team:
For more information contact us directly @
Or join us on Facebook: